Our special friends: Royal welcome for the Obamas

THE Queen and Prince Philip renewed their own special relationship with US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William and The Duchess of Cambridge with President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Prince William and The Duchess of Cambridge with President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle

The four got on famously two years ago when the Obamas came to London for a G20 summit and the two couples greeted each other like old friends when they met again at Buckingham Palace on the first day of the US President’s state visit to Britain.

Last night at a glittering state banquet the Queen told the President and First Lady: “Your visit to this country inevitably reminds us of our shared history, our common language, and our strong intellectual and cultural links.

President Obama Michelle Obama, the Queen and Prince Philip attend a dinner hosted at Buckingham Palace

“It also reminds us that your country twice came to the rescue of the free and democratic world when it was facing military disaster.”

The four got on famously when the Obamas came to London for a G20 summit

Emphasising the close military, economic and political ties between the two nations, she said: “We are here to celebrate the tried, tested and – yes – special relationship between our two countries.”

Earlier, inevitably, Prince Philip risked a joke at his visitors’ expense when they arrived for their three-day stay at the Palace.


He could not resist a pointed reference to the accident that left the Presidential limousine stuck on a ramp in Dublin on Monday.

“You survived the journey then?” he said, pointing to Mr Obama’s £400,000 bomb-proof Cadillac, nicknamed the Beast, when the couple arrived in a 19-vehicle motorcade.

President Obama Michelle Obama, the Queen and Prince Philip attend a dinner hosted by the Queen

Equally inevitably, there was an embarrassing gaffe. But this time it was by Mr Obama, who seemed unclear what year it was when he signed the visitors’ book after laying a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior at Westminster Abbey, writing the date as May 24, 2008.

After going to Downing Street to meet David Cameron, the President and the Prime Minister visited a school in Southwark, south London, where informality ruled as they took off their jackets to play table tennis against pupils.

At the Palace on a day when the normal pomp and ceremony of a state visit – only the second ever by a US president – played second fiddle to the relaxed chemistry between the two sides, Michelle Obama had a rare uncomfortable moment.

Queen Elizabeth II and U.S. President Barack Obama during the state banquet

During a windy welcome ceremony on the terrace of Buckingham Palace, Mrs Obama was left desperately protecting her modesty, clutching her elegant duck egg blue Barbara Tfank dress as strong gusts threatened a Marilyn Monroe moment.

The wind also played havoc with the First Lady’s hair, while the Queen and the Duchess of Cornwall also had to hang on to their hats.

After lunch in the Palace’s Blue Drawing Room, the Queen and Philip escorted the Obamas around the Picture Gallery where an exhibition of US memorabilia was on display. The President studied a handwritten diary note by George III, written before the decisive British defeat at Yorktown in 1781 in the US war of independence, in which the King lamented: “America is lost!”.

The Queen President Obama, Prince Philip and Duchess of Cornwall look on during a state banquet

“That was only a temporary blip in the relationship,” said Mr Obama, who was also shown a photograph of HMS Resolute, a British ship whose timbers were used to make the desk in the Oval Office.

The President quipped: “My desk in the Oval Office. I think we got a pretty good deal out of that.”

Last night the Obamas attended a glittering state banquet at the Palace attended by 170 guests, including Hollywood stars Tom Hanks, Kevin Spacey and Helena Bonham-Carter.

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