Budget trip for Prince William and Kate Middleton

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have vowed to cut the cost of royal tours and make their first official overseas visit a budget trip.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince William and Kate Middleton are under pressure to keep tour s costs to a minimum Prince William and Kate Middleton are under pressure to keep tour’s costs to a minimum

Prince William and his wife will criss-cross five time zones in Canada and the United States on an 11-day tour of nine cities between June 30 and July 10 and hope they will herald a new efficiency drive in the Royal Household.

Their cut-price approach to royal tours follows controversies in Canada over the £1.46million cost to Canadian taxpayers of Prince Charles and Camilla’s visit to the country in 2009 and the £2.07million bill for the Queen’s tour last year.

The Duke and Duchess and their advisers are acutely aware that all eyes will be on Kate and what she wears but, although she may take more than 30 different outfits, they are keen to limit travel costs and avoid taking a huge team of dressers and stylists.

Kate, who wore a £175 outfit from high street retailer Reiss for her meeting with US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle last week, does her own make-up and is likely to continue wearing off-the-peg outfits for some of her engagements.

But she will also be under pressure to promote the best of British fashion in California, the US state that is also the world’s eighth largest economy.

Her husband has always travelled light, often only with two or three outfits, on overseas trips. The couple are keen to avoid accusations of lavishness despite huge media interest in what is likely to be the biggest royal tour for a generation.

Asked about the size of the party and whether Kate would have a dresser, a senior royal aide said: “No decision has been taken yet. They will want to keep their entourage to a minimum.”

William, 28, and Kate, 29, will be flown to and around Canada on a Royal Canadian Air Force flight paid for by Canadian taxpayers because they are members of the Commonwealth country’s Royal Family.

British taxpayers will foot the bill for the US leg of the trip because the Foreign Office has asked them to go to California, where they will stay in Los Angeles for three days.

They will fly to LA on the Canadian plane but return home on a scheduled airline rather than the sort of private charter jet favoured by some members of the Royal Family.

“They will use scheduled airlines wherever security and their itinerary allow it,” a St James’s Palace source said.

The couple will be in Ottawa from June 30 to July 2 and then Montreal before travelling to Quebec on July 3 and then to Prince Edward Island.

They will fly to Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories from July 4 to July 6, finishing their tour in Alberta, where they will be greeted by up to 300,000 visitors at the Calgary Stampede rodeo.

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