Married? Not for a long time says Prince Harry

PRINCE Harry gave hope to millions of besotted female fans yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry has given hope to millions of besotted female fans Prince Harry has given hope to millions of besotted female fans

Prince Harry, the third in line to the throne – and the world’s most eligible bachelor – vowed he would not wed in the near future, despite regular speculation about his desire to settle down with his on-off girlfriend Chelsy Davy.

His declaration of independence will be greeted with delight around the world by his fans, including young American women nicknamed Harry hunters who come to London and hang out in fashionable bars and restaurants in the hope of catching a prince.

Harry, 26, was put on the spot when he was quizzed by an old soldier during a visit to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, in London yesterday. Wheelchair-bound Royal Artillery veteran William Titchmarsh, 85, asked him: “When are you getting married?”

“Not for a long time,” replied Harry. “Who put you up to ask me that?” he asked to laughter.

The Prince, a newly-promoted captain in the Army Air Corps in which he is training to become an Apache helicopter pilot, took the salute at the hospital’s founder’s day parade in honour of King Charles II who created it as a home for veteran soldiers in 1682.

Prince Harry gave hope to millions of besotted female fans yesterday

Harry, who toured the hospital’s Margaret Thatcher Infirmary to meet some of the frailer residents, then inspected 216 of the Chelsea Pensioners on parade in their vivid scarlet uniforms and tricorn hats.

“It is with a great deal of pride and a few nerves that I stand here before you this morning,” he said. “Pride, in that as a junior captain in the Army Air Corps, I consider it a huge privilege to be in the presence of so many years of extraordinary military service to our country.

“Nerves, well just because you have all achieved so much and I feel that I am just at the start of my military career.”

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