Kate takes to royal touring like a duck to water

ALMOST half way through her first royal tour, the new Duchess of Cambridge seems to be doing pretty well.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

The Duchess of Cambridge Kate arrives at the Canadian War Museum The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate, arrives at the Canadian War Museum

Overseas tours can be gruelling but Kate is holding up all right. She looks a natural, poised and elegant, despite the constant attention of people who want to meet her and a 1,400-strong media corps all assessing her every move.

At 29 she and William have boundless energy and the Royal Family’s latest star has shown few signs of succumbing to the pressure of being under that constant scrutiny for hours on end.

Only once, so far, has she struggled. In the intense heat at Ottawa’s Parliament Hill on Friday, Canada Day, her heavily-applied make-up (presumably for the TV cameras) started to melt, particularly when she went under the stage lights to meet the performers after the show.

“I’m just so hot, it’s unbelievable,” she told Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s wife, Laureen, gesturing towards her cheek.

At other times, though, she has retained her composure even when William started to lose his. When Mr Harper led a standing ovation for the couple, it was William who looked embarrassed, blushing in that way so reminiscent of his mother.

Kate comforted him, patting his knee. There have been several other tender moments in public – something you rarely see from members of the Royal Family when they are on show.

At the war memorial in Ottawa, when the couple got into their car after their first taste of adulation from the Canadian public, Kate nestled into her husband’s shoulder.

William regularly has an arm around his wife’s back, gently guiding her to the right place.

Not that she looks like she needs guiding much. She seems totally in control, although when she met sick children at a hospital in Montreal, her conversation was a little stilted. That was a rare off moment though. Those present felt she looked more comfortable talking to war veterans and elderly couples but at other times Kate has shown herself more than accessible to her younger fans.

She may not have found her voice yet and is yet to make a public speech but all the signs are that this future Queen has everything she needs to become an international icon like Princess Diana.

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