Prince Harry turns model

PRINCE Harry has inspired a toy company to bring out a three inch plastic soldier based on his exploits in Afghanistan.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Hornby has used a picture of Prince Harry on patrol as the model for a toy soldier Hornby has used a picture of Prince Harry on patrol as the model for a toy soldier

Hornby, the toy train and model company, is to put the Airfix soldier on sale to children and adult collectors next year as part of a collection of eight different figures depicting British troops in Afghanistan, alongside a range of tanks and helicopters used in the conflict.

The firm, which owns the Airfix brand, has used a famous picture of Harry on patrol in Helmand Province in 2008 as the model for one of the soldiers.

"We've been using all the research material we can get hold off to get the equipment, uniform and pose right and one of the best pictures we could get was one of Prince Harry," Darrell Burge, the company's marketing manager said.

Harry's face will not, however, be used on the model when it goes on sale in February.

Prince Harry has inspired a toy company to bring out a three inch plastic soldier based on his exploits

The third-in-line to the throne spent 10 weeks in 2007 and 2008 working as a forward air controller in Afghanistan. He is likely to return there at some point next year when he has completed his training as an Army Air Corps Apache helicopter pilot.

Harry, 27, is due to fly out to the United States next month to spend a couple of months training on Apache weapons systems in Arizona and California.

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