Duchess Kate follows in Diana's footsteps

A PALE Prince William showed signs of a sleepless night yesterday when he and his bride Kate, Duchess of Cambridge opened a new cancer unit for youngsters.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Kate Duchess of Cambridge followed in Princess Diana s footsteps accepts flowers from a little girl Kate, Duchess of Cambridge followed in Princess Diana’s footsteps accepts flowers from a little girl

But the second-in-line to the throne was quick to explain he had come to the official engagement at the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton, Surrey, after working a 24-hour shift as a search and rescue pilot.

The bleary-eyed Prince, 29, and the Duchess of Cambridge, wearing a £450 Amanda Wakeley sculpted felt dress, were determined not to miss opening the new 31-bed, £18million unit.

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William arrive at the Royal Marsden hospital

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge joined Prince William after he completed a 24 hour shift

Palace spokesman

He has been president of the hospital since 2007, following in the footsteps of his mother Princess Diana who carried out her first solo engagement there.


Shirley Carpenter, a volunteer at the hospital, asked the Duchess, also 29, if she would join William in becoming a patron.

Kate replied: “We’ll have to see. William’s in charge.”

On his shift the Duke had rescued a woman in the Lake District then picked up a sailor from a Royal Navy warship to take him to see a sick relative in Sandhurst, Berkshire.

Sandhurst is only a 10-minute flight from the Marsden but William had to fly 350 miles back to Anglesey, North Wales, drop off his Sea King then travel back in a royal helicopter.

Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, receive flowers from youngster Alice Marples

“It was a bit of an early morning,” joked the Flight Lieutenant, pointing to the dark rings under his eyes before adding: “It’s great to be here finally.”

Duchess of Cambridge meets patient Fabian Bate, 9, during her visit to Royal Marsden 

The Duchess of Cambridge meets with staff and children at the hospital

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge looked fantastic in the Amanda Wakeley and nude heels

Kate, was all smiles as she arrived at the official engagement

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