How flash Prince Harry beat fastest man Usain Bolt

THE fastest man in the world was left in a cloud of dust yesterday when he made the mistake of competing against Prince Harry in a 20-yard dash.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry copies Usain Bolt s trademark lightning bolt pose during his visit Prince Harry copies Usain Bolt’s trademark ‘lightning bolt’ pose during his visit

Triumphantly holding his arms aloft, Flash Harry crossed the finishing line ahead of Olympic 100 metres champion Usain Bolt.

The victory, however, owed more to Harry jumping the gun than any sprinting talent. “He cheated,” complained his Jamaican rival, adding: “I said we would have a rematch in London 2012 and Harry said ‘I’m busy’.”

The Prince, who owns a stake in a racehorse called Usain Colt, struck up a rapport with the sprinter when they met at his training track in the Jamaican capital Kingston.

“I’m still the fastest man in the world so he has a long way to go,” said Bolt, 25, who struck his trademark “lightning bolt” pose – and found himself immediately copied by his royal visitor.

When I was at school sports was the best thing; being stuck in a classroom wasn’t

Prince Harry

Before the race, he and Harry attended a reception for Jamaican athletes. And Harry, 27, could not resist teasing his hosts about whether Jamaica or Britain would have the biggest Olympic medal tally. He said: “To see all you guys working here is fantastic. Hopefully, fingers crossed, we will win more gold medals than you.”

The Prince also confessed: “When I was at school sports was the best thing; being stuck in a classroom wasn’t.” Then he added: “I shouldn’t have said that.”

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