Prince Charles reveals the lighter side of life with ‘my Mama’

THIS little boy, up to his neck in sand with his sister, will go on television tonight to pay tribute to his “Mama”and reveal the personal side of life with the Queen.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles with Princess Anne on Holkham Beach Prince Charles with Princess Anne on Holkham Beach

Prince Charles, captured on holiday at Holkham beach, Norfolk, in 1957 with Princess Anne when he was eight years old in this image from a home movie, shares memories and recalls events from the Queen’s public and private life in a BBC documentary.

“The Diamond Jubilee gives us the chance to celebrate, with pride, all that the Queen means to us – whether as a nation or as one of her children,” he says.

Speaking about her 1953 Coronation, Charles tells how his mother practised wearing the crown.


“I remember my Mama coming, you know, up, when we were being bathed as children, wearing the crown – it was quite funny – practising.”

I remember my Mama coming, you know, up, when we were being bathed as children

Prince Charles

Watching private footage of the Queen juggling the dual role of mother and monarch on Coronation day, Charles marvels at her “amazing poise” and “natural grace”.

He tells his audience: “My Mama takes great pride in her family, from being a young mother at the start of her reign, to now being a great-grandmother twice over.”

A Jubilee Tribute To The Queen by the Prince of Wales will be broadcast on BBC One at 8pm tonight.

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