Diamond Jubilee: Queen’s heartfelt Jubilee message

THE Queen broadcast a message of thanks to the nation and Commonwealth last night after declaring her Diamond Jubilee celebrations a humbling experience.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen waves from the balcony at Buckingham Palace during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations The Queen waves from the balcony at Buckingham Palace during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations

On a day when a crowd of 1.5 million gathered outside Buckingham Palace to cheer her and her husband Prince Philip, who is in hospital, she said she was deeply touched to see so many people coming together to mark her 60 years on the throne.

As she emerged on the Palace balcony, she was visibly moved by the outpouring of support at the climax of an extraordinary Jubilee weekend of pomp, pageantry, revelry – and rain.

Amazing. What a tremendous turnout. I’ve never known so many people

The Queen

The royal family stand on the balcony at Buckingham Palace

“Oh my goodness. How extraordinary,” she said, as the crowd roared.

“Amazing. What a tremendous turnout. I’ve never known so many people.”

The Duchess of Cornwall, who had joined her on the balcony with Prince Charles, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince Harry, found it breathtaking: “Wonderful show,” she said.

“Mama, I think it’s a wonderful day,” said Charles.

His wife Camilla sat next to the Queen in the 1902 State Landau with Charles opposite in a hastily rearranged carriage procession from Parliament back to the Palace after Philip, 91, was taken to hospital with a bladder infection on Monday.

The crowds, who had braved more wet and dreary conditions, roared their approval for William, Kate and Harry in the second carriage.

The Red Arrows fly over The Mall watched by The Queen

In her message, the Queen said: “The events that I have attended to mark my Diamond Jubilee have been a humbling experience.

“It has touched me deeply to see so many thousands of families, neighbours and friends celebrating together in such a happy atmosphere.

“But Prince Philip and I want to take this opportunity to offer our special thanks and appreciation to all those who have had a hand in organising these Jubilee celebrations.

The Queen gives the nation a heartfelt thank you

“It has been a massive challenge, and I am sure that everyone who has enjoyed these festive occasions realises how much work has been involved.

“I hope that memories of all this year’s happy events will brighten our lives for many years to come. I will continue to treasure and draw inspiration from the countless kindnesses shown to me in this country and throughout the Commonwealth. Thank you all.”

Camilla joins the Queen in the royal carriage

It is rare for the Queen to make such broadcasts apart from at Christmas, although she spoke to the nation after Princess Diana’s death in 1997, during the 1991 Gulf War, and on the eve of the Queen Mother’s funeral in 2002.

In the address televised at 6pm she wore a pale blue dress by Karl Ludwig Couture. The broadcast, lasting just over two minutes, was recorded in the Presence Room at the Palace on Monday after Prince Philip was taken ill and before the Jubilee Concert.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge pass along The Mall

Yesterday the Queen clearly missed Prince Philip and looked lost at times, but was determined to press ahead with the national day of formal religious celebrations.

Many well-wishers had camped overnight to see the Royal procession from Westminster, along Whitehall, through Trafalgar Square and Admiralty Arch and down The Mall to the Palace. As the Royal Family gathered on the balcony there was a flypast of Second World War aircraft and the Red Arrows.

In the crowd was Benedict Cleotes, 40, from the Philippines, who camped out from 4am. He said: I managed to sleep but it was very cold. Seeing the Queen is very special to me and I want to have something to tell them in the Philippines. They will be jealous.

Queen Elizabeth II waves to the public as she appears on the balcony

Rose Helm, 63, from Whitby, North Yorkshire, said: “It was so moving. But to see the Queen without Philip was very sad. Fingers crossed, he’ll be all right. We are so used to seeing them together.”

Sisters Carol Stafford, 63, from Solihull, and Betty Algar, 59, from Coventry, wore matching Union flag ponchos to keep off the rain.

Mrs Stafford said: “Today showed the Royal Family are so loved and important. We’re worried about Philip. The Queen and Charles seemed so forlorn. They must be worried but the whole country has come together.”

Crowds fill The Mall around Buckingham Palace


● Diamond Jubilee: 'Sad' Prince Philip is feeling lots better

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