Queen shrugs off bad back to visit Eton

THE Queen smiled through the pain of a sore back to attend a dinner at Eton College last night after earlier cancelling an appearance at TV cook Mary Berry’s investiture ceremony.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen being introduced to pupils at Eton College last night The Queen being introduced to pupils at Eton College last night

She asked Prince Charles to fly down from Scotland and stand in for her at the Windsor Castle investiture where Mary, the doyenne of British baking, was presented with her CBE.

Palace aides feared the investiture would be too much for the Queen, having to stand for an hour presenting honours to more than 80 recipients.

The 86-year-old monarch, who missed church at Balmoral last Sunday after complaining of twinges in her back, has attended a number of engagements in the past few days but the ceremony was ruled out.

A senior royal aide said: “We didn’t think it was a good idea for her to do it because she was going to have to be standing for an hour.

“We think she’s pulled something while out riding. She’s described it as a sore back.

“I don’t think doctors were called or anything like that.”

We think she’s pulled something while out riding. She’s described it as a sore back

A senior royal aide

The investiture was the icing on the cake for Mary, 77, who has published more than 50 cook books in a career spanning more than 40 years.

She has become a household name to a new generation of cake lovers, thanks to her role as a judge alongside Paul Hollywood in the BBC’s popular show The Great British Bake Off.

She said yesterday: “This is a lovely finale to the year and I’m immensely honoured.”

Charles also presented an award to Helen Asprey, long-serving personal private secretary to Princes William and Harry, who was made a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order.

She will now only work part-time, helping to organise Harry’s social life.

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