Why the Prince and Kate may one day have a fairytale ending

KATE Middleton sought sanctuary with her family yesterday amid signs that there may yet be life in her romance with Prince William.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

It might be over for now – but friends of the couple cautioned  against ruling out a possible reconciliation in the future.

As if to make the point, Kate, 25, was still wearing the friendship ring William gave her more than two years ago.

The pair, who have been through so much together in the past four years, are always likely to remain friends.

But those close to them insist there is still a chance they could get back together romantically, perhaps once William has had time to play the dating game.

“They were very lovey-dovey when they went out for dinner with Hugh and Rose van Cutsem at the King’s Head at Bledington in the Cotswolds a couple of weeks ago,” said one source.

It may be true that some of the courtiers and William’s friends have been a bit snobby about Kate and her family but the Queen and the rest of the Royal Family just aren’t like that. It’s not true

“I’m sure they’ve split up for now but William’s very good at manipulating the media and this may be about giving her a breather from the royal scene as well as giving him time to go off and do what he wants to do.”

Friends on both sides agree that Kate has proved a loyal and faithful girlfriend to the young Prince.

She has behaved stoically in the spotlight – never criticising her high-profile boyfriend openly – and has vowed that she will never talk publicly about their relationship.

Most in their circle also discount talk of the Royals taking a dislike to Kate because of her solidly middle-class background.

Her father Michael, a former airline pilot, and mother Carole, an ex-flight attendant, are self-made millionaires from a catalogue business they started.

It has been alleged that the Royal Family looked down on Carole for chewing gum at William’s Sandhurst passing out parade and for failing to address the Queen correctly.

“It may be true that some of the courtiers and William’s friends have been a bit snobby about Kate and her family but the Queen and the rest of the Royal Family just aren’t like that. It’s not true,” said one source.

In fact, the Queen was said to be fond of Kate and to have valued her discretion.

“She thinks she is a lovely girl and very good for William,” said one courtier.

“But she is also adamant there must be no more divorces in her family, so she would not want to see William forced into a corner over his relationship with her.”

Kate, who has a part-time job working as a fashion accessories buyer for high street chain Jigsaw, has struggled to cope with the amount of attention she has received from the public and media since she left university.

Her relationship with William made it difficult to pursue a proper career – and she knows that her next relationship will also be big news.

But, after a few months, perhaps she too will experience the same sense of freedom that William was feeling this weekend.

Yesterday, however, she was showing signs that the pressure of the split from the future King was getting to her, as she returned from a family lunch in the Berkshire countryside with her parents and sister Pippa.

She covered her face from a battery of cameras and newsmen waiting outside the family home in Bucklebury, Berks.

Earlier, she sat in the rear seat of her father’s Range Rover, bravely keeping a composed expression, as they swept out of the driveway.

Dressed in a navy blue and white-hooped summer top and sporting sunglasses, Kate glanced briefly out of the car window as she sat next to her younger sister, while her father drove.

It was the second trip of the day for Kate, who went out first-thing for some shopping, which was believed to include a wide selection of the Sunday papers carrying news of her break-up.

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