MPs to splash £6m of our cash on plush offices

THE anger over MPs’ spiralling expenses grew last night after a plan to spend millions of pounds on improving their constituency offices was revealed.

Plans to spend taxpayers cash on plush new offices has sparked outrage Plans to spend taxpayers' cash on plush new offices has sparked outrage

Proposals drawn up by senior members will more than treble the annual bill for their local offices to more than £6million.

They should be entitled to “best quality fittings throughout” and free car parking spaces, according to the new plan.

MPs are expected to award themselves the extra cash from the taxpayer in a Commons vote on Thursday – despite mounting criticism of the Westminster gravy train.

Matthew Elliott, the chief executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “This makes a mockery of all the rhetoric we have heard about Parliament reining itself in.

“There is no justification for doubling the bill for MPs’ offices. The vast majority of MPs manage just fine with the office allowance at the current level.

With ordinary families struggling to make ends meet, it would be totally inappropriate to spend millions on renting plusher offices for MPs

Matthew Elliot, Taxpayers' Alliance

“This looks like an opportun­istic attempt to sneak a huge hike in office costs under the radar while the general focus is on second home allowances.

“With ordinary families struggling to make ends meet, it would be totally inappropriate to spend millions on renting plusher offices for MPs.”

The proposals follow a series of scandals over the £87million-a-year expenses system.

Parliamentarians have been rapped for employing members of their own families on taxpayer-funded salaries and claiming thousands of pounds without receipts.

Yet the review by senior MPs suggests they should carry on spending. At present, MPs make their own arrangements for constituency offices and claim the cash back out of a fund called the incidental expenses provision.

They can claim a maximum of £22,193 a year, and add up to 10 per cent of their staffing allowance to the sum. But MPs have been complaining that it is not enough.

The report by the Members Estimate Committee said: “In some constituencies, office costs are higher than can reasonably be met out of the provision.”

Under the proposed new system, the taxpayer would fund office leases or rentals in full. MPs would be entitled to a guaranteed standard of accommodation regulated by Commons authorities.

An independent chartered surveyor would oversee the setting up of offices to ensure the rules are met. A maximum size of 800 sq ft would be set for the office and “rigidly applied”. The report also outlines a typical office that would be funded.

It says: “Converted former house usually just off town centre. Good quality conversion of Georgian/Victorian or similar house of character.

“Best quality fittings throughout. Self-contained suite in size range 50 sq m to 150 sq m, with central heating and limited car parking.”

The proposals are part of an overhaul of the £87million-a-year MPs’ expenses system drawn up by the Commons Estimate Committee, headed by Speaker Michael Martin.

But Tory MP Douglas Carswell said: “They are not being straight with voters. We need genuine transparency.”

Lib Dem MP Norman Baker, however, agreed that MPs did need offices in central locations accessible to constituents. “It is no good being based on the ninth floor of an office block on an industrial estate,” he said.

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