Incy Wincy Ed: Shadow Chancellor upstaged by spider in TV interview

A GARGANTUAN spider creeped in to make a terrifying cameo during Shadow Chancellor Ed Ball's interview on BBC News, earlier today.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The creepy-crawly dropped down onto the Shadow Chancellor Ed Ball's interview The creepy-crawly dropped down onto the Shadow Chancellor Ed Ball's interview [IG]

The creepy-crawly – which appeared enormous because of its position close to the camera lens – dropped down over the Labour MPs' shoulder during the interview.

Dangling and quivering beside the MP for Morley and Outwood, the spider then started to scuttle across the Shadow Chancellor's face – or appeared to because of the hysterical trick of perspective.

The hysterical error was soon ruined as the arachnid crawled out of frame.

BBC News tweeted out the hysterical incident after the report aired – before quickly reminding viewers that the spider attack was not the first of its kind.

A spider invaded the early morning edition of Reporting Scotland in August, as it crept across the lens of the roof camera to catch an insect.

Newsreader Graham Stewart looked unfazed as the spider grabbed the insect before retreating for its meal.

He later tweeted: "Never mind the pandas: giant hungry spider invades Reporting Scotland at breakfast time!"

The clip gathered widespread attention on social media – with more than 200 retweets on Twitter in the first hour alone.

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