WATCH: Furious motorist slapped with ticket by parking warden despite having BROKEN DOWN

A FURIOUS motorist who was slapped with a parking ticket despite having BROKEN DOWN at the side of the road has labelled the incident "disgraceful".

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Robbie Alexander, left, and the traffic warden he filmed giving a parking ticket to his broken car FACEBOOK/ROBBIE ALEXANDER

Robbie Alexander, left, and the traffic warden he filmed giving a parking ticket to his broken car

Unlucky Robbie Alexander came to a halt in a loading bay – directly outside the office of a traffic warden supervisor – who told him to move the car.

After phoning the AA to get a tow for the broken car, Mr Alexander, 32, from Sidcup, in Kent, moved his baby son's pram behind his car – to keep the loading bay vacant for the tow truck.

But a warden from Bexley Council, in south east London, quickly arrived on the scene to print a ticket for the Alexander family car.

Wife Marie, 29, and 22-month-old son Mason watched as the warden ignored the family's protests and gave the car a parking ticket.

Where has common courtesy gone, let alone common sense? They could have come down and helped

Robbie Alexander

Incredulous Mr Alexander filmed the incident at 3pm on October 29 – which has since spread online gaining some 50,000 views on Facebook alone.

He explained: "I called the AA car recovery.

"The loading bay behind me was empty, and I wanted to keep it that way until they arrived in case they needed to tow me.

"I put my empty baby's pram in the loading bay with a couple of bamboo sticks and a brightly coloured plastic bag so the recovery vehicle could park behind me.

"Then three of them started shouting at me through the office, very aggressively: 'Take that out of the road. Get it out of the loading bay'.

"Then this one man has come down and proceeded to give me a ticket.

"He knows full well I've broken down. 

"I'm putting the key in the car and it's choking, I'm trying to show him it won't start."

The owner of the broken-down car claims that even after the AA had arrived, another warden arrived at the loading bay and threatened to give the family a second ticket.

He said: "I think the whole thing is disgraceful. I am a Bexley resident, a Bexley Council taxpayer, and these are the sort of people who I'm paying the wages of.

"Where has common courtesy gone, let alone common sense? 

"They could have come down and helped if what I was doing wasn't the right approach.

"All they were interested in was banging a ticket on my car, not in helping me get out of the loading bay."

During the video – as Mr Alexander angrily protests the parking ticket will be a waste of taxpayers' money – the warden can be heard politely attempting to explain that the Alexander family will be able to contest the charge at a later date.

A spokesperson for Bexley Council said: "Bexley civil enforcement officers are equipped with body-worn video cameras and recording equipment.

"As such, the evidence held by the council in respect of issuing the penalty charge in question is considerably more detailed, covering the entire issuing period.

"This evidence shows no wrong-doing by the civil enforcement officer, who continues in a professional manner with the issue of the penalty charge, despite several vocal objections by the motorist.

"At the end of the process, when attaching the penalty charge to the vehicle, the officer explains that the motorist can challenge the issue of the penalty charge, which the council will consider." 

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