Britain remembers: Thousands gather for Remembrance Sunday services

THE Queen led the nation's tributes to the fallen today amid tight security at the Cenotaph in Whitehall after a terror alert.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Remembrance Day - EX

Britain remembersGetty

Remembrance Sunday

She was joined by senior members of the Royal Family, political leaders and veterans commemorating British and Commonwealth war dead on Remembrance Sunday.

The Duchess of Cambridge, 15 weeks pregnant with her second child, and other royal wives looked down on the scene from a balcony at the Foreign Office, as the Queen and senior members of the Royal Family laid wreaths on what the 88-year-old monarch calls "the black day".

Kate, in black, stood beside the Duchess of Cornwall and the Countess of Wessex to watch the ceremony.

Kate, who joined Prince William on two engagements in Wales on Saturday, has recovered from the worst effects of hyperemesis gravidarum, the acute morning sickness that has plagued the early stages of both her pregnancies, but aides said she was still feeling under the weather during her visit to the Wales v Australia rugby union international in Cardiff on Saturday.

The Royal Family, politicians - including former prime ministers Sir John Major and Tony Blair - and Commonwealth high commissioners paid their respects in a time-honoured ceremony at Sir Edwin Lutyens' immaculate Portland stone war memorial in Whitehall. Police snipers and the security forces kept close watch after the arrest in west London and High Wycombe of four men suspected of plotting an Islamist attack on the commemorations.

It was a ceremony replete with symbolism, as Britain marked three major landmarks: the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, 70 years since the D-Day landings, and the end of UK military operations in Afghanistan last month after a 13-year conflict that cost 453 British lives.

Tribute: The Queen at the Cenotaph today Getty

Tribute: The Queen at the Cenotaph today

Members of the armed forces attend the annual Remembrance Sunday ServiceGetty

Members of the armed forces attend the annual Remembrance Sunday Service

Prime Minister David Cameron said the anniversaries made this year "particularly poignant".

He added: "We owe each and every member of our Armed Forces and the families who support them a tremendous debt - one that can never be repaid - and I pay huge tribute to their bravery and resolve."

In another significant step in the peace process after a conflict much closer to home in Northern Ireland, the Irish ambassador, Daniel Mulhall, laid a wreath for the first time.

His wreath acknowledged a group once shunned in the Irish Republic: more than 200,000 Irishmen volunteered to serve with the British Army in the First World War and 35,000 were killed; Irish citizens have continued to serve in British Army regiments in conflicts ever since.

Cabinet Minister Sajid Javid, Britain's Culture Secretary, said: "Throughout the First World War Irish servicemen stood side by side with men and women from across Great Britain and the Commonwealth. As we commemorate the centenary of the start of the war it is right we remember our nations' shared sacrifice."

The Irish ambassador has previously been invited to attend the service but the decision to invite him to lay a wreath was taken after President Michael Higgins in April became the first Irish head of state to come to Britain on a state visit.

Security Getty

Security: Police filled central London ahead of the Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph

Veteran members of the Guards Parachute Company Pathfinders stand by the Guards Memorial in Horse Guards ahead of the Remembrance Sunday ceremony at TGetty

Veteran members of the Guards Parachute Company Pathfinders stand by the Guards Memorial in Horse Gu

The ceremony in Whitehall, the national focus for commemoration, was mirrored at events around the country as Britain came to a stop at 11am.

As Big Ben struck 11, The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery fired a gun in Horse Guards Parade, signalling two minutes' silence, ended by the firing of another gun and Last Post, sounded by the buglers of the Royal Marines.

The Queen laid her wreath in the centre of the top step of the Cenotaph and was followed in strict order of precedence by the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and the Duke of Kent.

After the royal party departed, some 10,000 veterans from conflicts dating back to the Second World War marched proudly down Whitehall to the applause of the crowd.

Many were given free rides to and from Whitehall by London taxi drivers operating a turn up and go shuttle service for all veterans from all of the capital's mainline stations, two service clubs, and Victoria coach station. 

It was the fifth year that the driver-funded scheme had been offered by the taxi trade with marshals supervised by the United Cabbies Group. The cabbies also took 50 Gurkhas from Woolwich to the ceremony, stopping at the Tower of London to allow them to view the sea of ceramic poppies in the moat.

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