Army: We will send Harry to front line

PRINCE Harry will lead his men on desert reconnaissance missions in Iraq after the head of the Army approved his deployment to the war zone yesterday.

By John InghamRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry Prince Harry

The third in line to the throne will join his men in the Household Cavalry’s Blues and Royals following a last-minute review by General Sir Richard Dannatt, the Chief of the General Staff.

But the decision will be kept “continually under review”.

The general said he hoped his ruling would end speculation after it was claimed it would be too dangerous for the Prince to serve with his comrades.





Last week the Daily Express revealed that Al Qaeda terror chiefs have put a £250,000 price on his head.

Insurgent leaders also claimed they had set up a special unit to target Harry.

The Prince though can now expect to lead his men on the frontline like any other officer. As a reconnaissance troop commander, he will spend days at a time on operations in the desert.

Sir Richard, who announced in February it was his intention that the Prince would serve in Iraq, said yesterday: “I, as Chief of the General Staff, will take the decision and have taken the decision as to whether he should or should not deploy.

“And I do so as Chief of the General Staff and having full command of every member of the Army including Prince Harry. Second, the decision has been taken he will deploy.

“Third, I will of course keep that decision continually under review and if circumstances are such that I change that decision, I will make a further statement.”

There had been claims that Prince Harry would be given a “safe” job behind a desk in Iraq.

But a senior officer insisted he would do the same job as any other officer of his rank. He admitted there were no safe backwaters in the war-torn country. British bases regularly come under attack from mortars or rockets.

Harry’s planned deployment comes after the worst month for the Army in Iraq since hostilities began despite the increased use of armoured vehicles.

Some 12 servicemen’s lives have been lost, including two on April 19 who were doing the same job Harry is expected to take up on his six-month tour.

What do YOU think? Will Harry be a security threat to his men? And is he being sent to the front line because he's not intelligent enough for a desk job? Comment NOW on Have Your Say.

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