Princess Diana's revealing letters to Nanny

PRINCESS Diana’s twirls with John Travolta and Wayne Sleep may have captivated the world, but as a self-conscious teenager she complained that she danced like an elephant.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

INSIGHT Diana penned her thoughts to her ex nanny about marriage chores and singing INSIGHT: Diana penned her thoughts to her ex-nanny about marriage, chores and singing

Her worries about her awkwardness are revealed in one of four previously unseen letters which give a touching new insight into her private life.

The letters, which are expected to fetch at least £10,000 at auction next week, were written by Diana at key points in her life and sent to her former nanny Mary Clarke.

As 17-year-old Lady Diana Spencer writing from her ancestral home at Althorp in 1978, she showed an early interest in dance, telling Mary: “My love of my life is dancing, things like tap, modern, ballet and jazz.”

But she added: “Also I love singing, even though my voice sounds awful, and watching me dance is like watching an elephant, so no-one does!”

She later tells of her love for Prince Charles, her excitement over their forthcoming wedding and being pregnant with William.

I love singing, even though my voice sounds awful, and watching me dance is like watching an elephant!


Writing two weeks before her marriage in July 1981, Diana said: “Not long to go now and about time too! Six months of being engaged is quite something and definitely to be avoided!

“All the family in complete overdrive and a lot of non speaks going on!!”

In a letter six months after the wedding, the 20-year-old Princess was still besotted with Charles. She told Mary: “I adore being married and having someone to devote my time, however, I do get annoyed at not being able to do my washing and general ironing!”

A pregnant Diana revealed: “I am still feeling and being ill, well into my fourth month and am at total despair and long for the day when I can eventually sit on the loo as to looking over it! Baby Wales is actually due on my 21st birthday, but no doubt it will be late.

“A vast amount of people are trying to get me onto a horse and it looks as though I might, since it’s the one time I’d actually be able to be with the husband.

“I took him to Althorp for the w/e which was alright, except that in our short stay we managed to break two smart chairs and a glass window.”

The letters will go under the hammer in Colchester, Essex, on Sept­ember 30. Yesterday Mary Clarke, 58, who lives in Norfolk, said her memories were tinged with sadness because Diana’s dreams had been shattered.

“I have always placed the breakdown of the marriage fairly and squarely on Prince Charles’s shoulders,” she said.

“He just ate away at her confidence and, of course, Camilla was always hovering in the background.”

Mary revealed that Diana was “very modest” and always needed her confidence bolstering. “She could never really believe that so many people loved her,” she said.

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