Princes in bowlers.. for the bold

AT play they sometimes favour baseball caps. And as soldiers, a steel helmet is the order of the day.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

SUITS YOU William and Harry step out yesterday for the parade SUITS YOU: William and Harry step out yesterday for the parade

But yesterday, a bowler was the hat of choice for Princes William and Harry, teamed with sober suits, brollies and regimental ties.

The brother officers were stepping out in time-honoured Savile Row-style, to parade with their regiment the Blues and Royals before their aunt Princess Anne. The  brothers-in-arms were in London’s Hyde Park for a parade honouring fallen comrades.

Marching only a row apart, the two Princes paraded proudly past Anne, who as Colonel of the Blues and Royals, was taking the salute at the Combined Cavalry Old Comrades Association annual parade. It commemorates all those from Commonwealth Cavalry Regiments who have served in conflicts around the world.

On what is likely to be Harry’s last public appearance before he goes off to war in Iraq, it was a particularly poignant ceremony. It was the first time William had taken part. He was still a cadet at Sandhurst last year when Harry attended.

The brother officers were stepping out in time-honoured Savile Row-style

Princess Anne, in a trench coat and hat to ward off the rain, took the salute as 1,200 serving and ex-Cavalry men from 13 regiments marched past their comrades’ memorial. Harry, 22, flashed a quick smile as he strode past his aunt.

He is expected to fly out to Iraq in the coming days to spend six months as an armoured reconnaissance troop leader, leading his men on desert patrols. William, 24, is training to do the same job at Bovington in Dorset, although aides doubt he will ever join his brother on the front line.

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