Angry Queen asks: Why didn't anyone see the credit crunch coming?

THE Queen revealed today how upset she is about the global economic crisis and questioned why nobody saw the credit crunch coming.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

The Queen was sharp at the briefing The Queen was 'sharp' at the briefing

In a briefing on the origins of the world economic downturn today, the 82-year-old monarch, whose losses on the London stock market have been up to £37 million in the past six months, expressed her exasperation with financial institutions for lending to people who never had any intention or ability to pay the loans back.

On the day that a new US president was elected, she studied graphs showing the origins of the global crisis in America, where one in five people issued with a subprime mortgage was defaulting on their debt within 10 months last year.

"Why did nobody notice it?" the Queen asked, surveying the size of the toxic debt that has led to the collapse of banks around the world.

Why did nobody notice it? It's awful...

Her Majesty The Queen on the credit crunch

"If these things were so large, how come everyone missed them? It's awful."

Professor Luis Garicano, an economist who briefed her on the crisis when she and Prince Philip visited the London School of Economics, said: "She looked upset. She was extremely interested. She must have lost quite a lot of money."

He added: "I was impresed. I thought of her as this little old lady but she is really very sharp. The Queen expressed astonishment and disbelief that no one noticed in advance that these dodgy loans were being granted to people who essentially had no ability to pay them back."

Professor Garicano, director of research at the LSE's management department, outlined the institutional failure that has led to the collapse of financial institutions, nationalisation of banks, stock market plunges and a headlong rush towards recession.

"At every stage, someone was relying on somebody else and everyone thought they were doing the right thing," he told the Queen.[>




Afterwards, the Spanish economist said: "She was really just pretty surprised when she saw the percentage of loans that weren't repaid. These subprime loans people were not even paying the first or second months of the loans.

"Something like 10 months after origin 20 per cent of the loans were already delinquent - one in every five people was already not paying. These are really people who didn't have the money to start paying."

Last month the Daily Express revealed that the Queen had been hit by the stock market crash.

Despite employing some of the world’s top financial advisers, she and her family have seen the value of their multi-million-pound private investments fall dramatically following the downturn.

In April, Her Majesty’s private wealth was estimated to be £320million, which included a personal investment portfolio valued at £100million.

It is believed the Queen's private investments - largely in British blue chip companies - have broadly tracked the market, resulting in a 37 per cent loss at one stage, although they have recovered some ground since the crash.

The stock market's bounceback means the Queen's current loss on her private investment portfolio is nearer £25 million.

“I would think she will have taken an enormous hit,” said Philip Beresford, compiler of The Rich List. “Though maybe not as much as people who did racy investments in shares.

"She won’t have strayed much out of British blue chip companies. It would be embarrassing if she did much else.”


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