Queen’s message that delighted dying star

THE Queen sent Jade Goody a message of support eight days before she died from cervical cancer, it was revealed yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

MESSAGE The Queen sent a message before Jade died MESSAGE: The Queen sent a message before Jade died

Her letter from Buckingham Palace was among countless morale boosting messages from fans and celebrities, including Robbie Williams and Michael Jackson, that arrived for the 27-year-old reality TV star in her final days.

Jade, who had said she was a huge fan of the 82-year-old monarch, recorded her delight at receiving the letter from the palace on March 14 in a diary she kept to record her battle with cancer.

In the diary, published as a book entitled Jade: Forever In My Heart, she tells how her husband Jack Tweed’s sister Laura had written to the Palace, asking if the Queen would send a message to Jade.

When the Queen wrote back, through one of her secretaries in her correspondence office, Laura, 24, proudly read out the message to the dying Big Brother star.

“I have been instructed to convey the Queen’s warmest good wishes to Jade at what must be a very difficult time for her and her family,” the letter said.

Jade, who died eight days later on Mother’s Day, March 22, recorded her reaction in the diary.

She wrote: “Laura had written to her asking for her support because she knows how much I love the Queen. ‘The Queen!’ I said. That was so nice.”

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said yesterday: “The Queen sends out messages of condolence in the event of a major national tragedy (such as the July 7 bombings) or a major natural disaster (the Asian tsunami, Australian bush fires).”

He added: “The Queen also sends many private messages of condolence to individuals, but these are considered private and are not given to the media.”

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