Valencia tourists told city 'not for sale' as angry locals launch vandalism spree

Tensions are flaring in Valencia as the over-tourism message spreads across Spain.

By Maria OrtegaAlessandra Scotto di Santolo, World News Reporter

People taking in the sights and carousel in a plaza on the streets of Valencia, Spain

Valencia is experience a rapid surge of tourism (Image: Getty)

The anti-tourism movement appears to be spreading across mainland Spain, with Valencia now seeing spates of graffiti and vandalism from angry locals. Valencia, the country's third most populated city, has seen tensions rise over the growing number of holiday apartments.

Reports emerged of stickers branding properties as tourist accommodations, graffiti, damaged locks, and even instances of harassment against tourists, according to Silvia Blasco, president of the Association of Tourist Apartment Companies of the Valencian Community (Aptur CV).

Blasco emphasised that the affected tourist homes were legally registered and had been converted from disused commercial spaces.

The incidents have reignited a long-standing debate on the impact of tourism in Valencia. Recent complaints on social media have highlighted similar grievances, including a case where tourists were left stranded due to damaged locks in their rented accommodation.

Aptur CV has announced plans for legal action against a social media account accused of orchestrating anti-tourism campaigns, alleging harassment of visitors and damage to the city's image.

Meanwhile, neighbourhood groups have expressed frustration, with some resorting to graffiti spelling the city is "not for sale" as a form of protest against the proliferation of tourist accommodations.

The hotel industry has also voiced concerns over the lack of regulation and oversight in the tourism sector. Hotel employers criticise the unchecked growth of tourist accommodations, warning of its adverse effects on housing accessibility and urban coexistence.

The tensions come amid broader discontent over the city's transformation due to tourism. Housing rights groups have revived protests against the commodification of Valencia, echoing the sentiment of the 'Valencia is not for sale' movement, which demanded a shift in the city's development model.

The focus of activism has been directed towards tourist flats and rental properties, as residents grapple with soaring housing prices and dwindling availability.

Protests have erupted across Lanzarote and Tenerife in recent weeks, but the Spanish insist the message isn't personal to tourists.

In Tenerife, people say they are trying to get the government to look at its tourism policies and amend them to make housing availability, and affordability fairer. 

Tenerife has since confirmed it will endeavour to implement a tourist tax - but currently the details surrounding this are scant. 

Despite the discontent, booking companies have still reported a spike in bookings over the last few weeks, with no sign of British holidaymakers deciding against visiting the Canaries or mainland Spain anytime soon. 

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