Kate faces new topless torment

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge waved farewell to the South Pacific yesterday...only to head home to more trouble over Kate’s topless pictures.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, Nathan Rao

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wave to the Islanders as their tour draws to a close The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wave to the Islanders as their tour draws to a close

The royal couple were dealt a new blow when Danish weekly Se & Hoer (See & Hear) said it intended to print a batch of the intimate photos in a 16-page supplement today.

The magazine’s editor-in-chief Kim Henningse said he wanted to show his readers “what these photos are all about”.

A royal source said last night: “We are aware of the plans of a Danish magazine to publish further images.

All options are under consideration at the moment.”

It came just a day after William and Kate won a legal ban on French magazine Closer, which first used the intimate photos, from republishing or selling them.

A judge in Paris also ordered Closer to hand over the images to representatives of the royal couple within 24 hours, although there was no order to name the photographer who took them.

Kate looked amazing. She is so graceful

Shelley Jelonek

St James’s Palace welcomed the court’s decision.

“The Duke and Duchess always believed the law was broken and that they were entitled to their privacy,” said a source.

Yesterday, despite no order by the French judge to name the photographer, police raided Closer’s headquarters

in Paris in a hunt for the culprit.

Officers said they were looking for information “which might lead to the identity” of those responsible.

The images were taken two weeks ago from a public road close to the Chateau d’Autet, near Avignon in Provence, where the royal couple were staying.

The photographer had been identified as Valerie Suau, but yesterday she insisted she only took “decent” pictures of Kate sunbathing by the chateau’s pool.

Ms Suau said: “I don’t know who took the pictures but when I got there, there were some cars parked along the road that didn’t particularly look like they belonged to locals.

“The couple were visible from the road but there was nothing to stop someone getting closer by going between the trees.”

The latest events will bring a sour note to the end of the couple’s tour of South-east Asia and the Pacific, which saw them being carried to their charter plane on a platform by islanders in Tuvalu.

William and Kate later transferred to a passenger jet in Brisbane, Australia.

The brief stopover was the first time that the Duchess had set foot on Australian soil and a crowd of about 200 fans turned up to catch a glimpse of the couple.

Australian Shelley Jelonek, 35, who was at the airport while on her way to London, said:

“Kate looked amazing. She is so graceful. It’s really impressive that they came up through the normal terminal. I have even more respect for them now.”

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