WATCH: Fireman dubbed an 'angel' following attempt to rescue puppy with MOUTH-TO-MOUTH

AN HEROIC fireman has been dubbed an "angel" after he attempted to save a puppy with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Fireman saves two-month-old puppy with mouth-to-mouth

In footage that has since become an internet sensation, Carlos Arana was filmed desperately trying to save the young dog, who was discovered at the scene of a shocking house fire.

Captured on a smartphone, the clip shows the brave fire fighter cupping the pup's muzzle as he battles to save its life for more than three minutes.

The adorable, two-month-old Yorkshire Terrier had been found crumpled under a stairwell when the fire crew extinguished a blaze destroying the home.

Carlos grabbed the puppy and ran outside where he started pumping its chest. The poor little thing was completely limp but Carlos was determined to save him

Cristobel Jover Badia, firefighter

Quick-thinking Mr Arana grabbed the unconscious animal before sprinting to his fire engine and quickly clamping an oxygen mask over its mouth.

His colleague Cristobel Jover Badia managed to capture the brave rescue attempt on film.

He explained: "Carlos grabbed the puppy and ran outside where he started pumping its chest.

"The poor little thing was completely limp but Carlos was determined to save him.

"He put an oxygen mask over its muzzle but when neither that nor the pumping worked he carefully prised its mouth open and started giving it mouth-to-mouth."

The staggering footage was posted on social media by Mr Badia under the title "Valencia's True Hero".

And Facebook users rushed to applaud Mr Arana, with one commenter posting: "He is not a fireman, he's an ANGEL dressed up as fireman."

Having witnessed the scene of the house fire in the ancient Spanish city of Sagunto, Valencia, neighbour Nacho Rueda added: "It all happened very fast.

"The fire crew arrived and had put out the huge flames within minutes.

"And then I saw one of them run out holding the puppy that appeared to be dead.

"But the fireman wouldn't stop and after about five minutes the puppy started to move it's legs"

As soon as the puppy started to move and breath by itself – it was rushed to a nearby vet.

But, despite being given a clean bill of health, the puppy sadly later died as a result of complications from the fire.

A spokesperson for the veterinary surgery said: "Unfortunately, despite the incredible efforts of the fireman, there was just too much smoke damage in the poor thing's lungs."

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