'I finally feel I belong' The Human PLATYPUS speaks about his extreme body STRETCHING

MEET the human platypus – a man who has stretched his lips, nose and ears with holes totalling the size of an iPad.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Jenya Bolotov after stretching his features for SEVEN years, left, before he began, centre, and his icon NEWS DOG/GETTY

Jenya Bolotov after SEVEN years of stretching, left, before he started, centre, and his icon, right

Jenya Bolotov says he feels he 'finally belongs in the world' after spending the last seven years stretching EIGHT different parts of his face to finally recreate the distinctive duck-bill of a platypus.

Over the years of skin-stretching, Mr Bolotov has altogether managed to extend his ear lobes, his nostrils, septum, top and bottom lips more than NINE INCHES – the height of an Apple iPad.

I love platypus - the way they look and even the word 'platypus' itself. This is what I am now. It is what I have always wanted to be

Jenya Bolotov

But the 26-year-old designer from Perm, in Russia says he has no plans of stopping his body modification anytime soon.

Mr Bolotov added: "It has taken me years to get to where I am and now, I feel like I finally belong in this world.

"I love platypus - the way they look and even the word 'platypus' itself. 

"I like the way my stretched face and lips now look like a platypus bill. 

Mr Bolotov proudly displays the stretched lips he wants to resemble a ducks bill NEWS DOG

Mr Bolotov proudly displays the stretched lips he wants to resemble a ducks bill

 A fresh-faced 16-year-old Jenya Bolotov – who said he never 'fit in'NEWS DOG

A fresh-faced 16-year-old Jenya Bolotov – who said he never 'fit in'

"All of the modifications I have added to my body make me feel whole. 

"This is what I am now. 

"It is what I have always wanted to be."

In his quest to resemble the platypus, Mr Bolotov has stretched gaping holes in his ear lobes, his nostrils, septum and his top and bottom lips.

He has also become the only person on the planet to start to stretch out the very top bridge of his NOSE.

But the enormous gauges in his duck-billed face have done little to help the Russian designer find a female platypus.

Although, he has admitted he is in love with a woman - but from afar.

He explained: "I do not have a girlfriend but there is a person I love very much. We're not in a relationship. 

"I can be attracted to anyone whether they have body modifications or not. 

"I hope there is not a particular 'type' of girl who finds me attractive either."

Meet Jenya Bolotov - The Human Platypus

The Human Platypus admits he was extremely shy as a child – and never felt like he belonged with those around him.

At the age of 18, the lonely teen started work on modifying his body and face beyond recognition.

He said: "I decided to stretch them all by myself.

"I had no knowledge of how to do it so I made a lot of mistakes with my earlobes. But it was the start of my journey.

"When I turned 18, I didn't know you could stretch anything else besides your ear lobes.  

"But soon after I came across images of lip stretching in African countries and I liked them. 

"Although I thought they were too small - I wanted my lip holes bigger. 

"I wanted to take this ancient art to the next level. 

"Then my friend said that if anyone could achieve a truly big, horizontal lip, they would look like a platypus. 

"I wanted to be like that. I loved the large bill of a platypus." 

After years of slowing stretching his skin – his bottom lip now protrudes some almost 6cm NEWS DOG

After years of slowing stretching his skin – his bottom lip now protrudes some almost 6cm

The latest photo of Russia designer Jenya Bolotov – with his stretching totalling the size of an iPad NEWS DOG

Latest photo of Russia designer Jenya Bolotov – with his stretching totalling the size of an iPad


  • Bottom lip 5.8cm
  • Top lip 3.3cm
  • Ear lobes 4.3cm
  • Nostrils 1.2cm
  • Septum 3.4cm
  • Surna - top bridge of the nose 3mm
  • TOTAL STRETCHES ACROSS HIS FACE 42.7cm - nearly HALF A METRE in length 

Although the Russian designer admits a deep-love of the egg-laying semiaquatic, duck-billed mammal he models his appearance after – he has explained his "spirit animal" is in fact a BIRD.

He said: "Externally, I am now a platypus. My resemblance is the way I want it to be.

"Inside though, I am more like a bird. They're my spirit animal and they come to me in my dreams."

The 26-year-old has also reassured his fans that his irreversibly-stretched facial features do not stop him from eating or talking.

He said: "I can eat, talk and speak on the phone like everyone else. Nothing has changed at all.

"I do attract a lot of negative attention when I walk down the street and sometimes people make mean comments.

"I'm used to it now though and I just try to ignore them."

But not all of the attention the duck-billed mammal lookalike receives is negative – and he has won over fans across the globe with his extreme facial changes.

It is these fans that coined the name The Human Platypus.

He said: "I get a lot of fan mail from people telling me they're grateful for what I do and how I look. 

"Some individuals have written to me, saying they wish they were able to change their body the way I have.

"Not everyone is free like me - they have an internal battle inside them that makes them feel like they can't become who they want to be. 

"It takes bravery to do what I've done and I will keep modifying my body until I am happy." 

The Platypus is unique to Australia and is the only mammal on the planet to lay eggs instead of giving birth to its young.

Due to its extremely unusual appearance, the  duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European experts when they first encountered the animal – with many stunning the animal as an elaborate HOAX.

The semi-aquatic animal is now an Australian mascot at many national events – and even features on the reverse of its 20-cent coin.

It is believed to have evolved from the Ornithorhynchidae family – which has been traced back to the Dinosaur-infested Cretaceous period some 145million years ago.

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