London 2012 Olympics: Fun-loving Rebecca Adlington keeps her cool

PICTURE the scene – Costa del Somewhere, hotel pool, kids splashing around, and in the shallow end a double Olympic champion pretending she can’t swim.

Rebecca Adlington admits there is always fear going into any big race Rebecca Adlington admits there is always fear going into any big race

“I only go in to cool off,” admits Rebecca Adlington, Britain’s highest-profile swimmer.

“I do granny breaststroke and pretend I can’t swim. I like to use the pool for fun, like playing ball and taking pictures underwater. I’ll always have that child-like sense of fun.”

Adlington is deadly serious about having fun. Her plan is to have fun by swimming as fast as she can in London in a couple of weeks and seeing what happens.

In Beijing four years ago, she came out of nowhere to win the 800m and 400m freestyle, and she expects someone else to be the surprise package in London.

“Nobody expected me to do what I did in Beijing,” recalled Adlington. “There will be a new Becky Adlington in London, and we won’t be able to say who because they will surprise us all. People always bring it out of the bag in Olympic year. That’s what makes it so brilliant, so different and so exciting.”

I don’t do anything I could get hurt doing. I don’t go out. I don’t party. I’m just totally chilled

Rebecca Adlington

Excitement is not the only emotion channelling through Adlington’s body. She admitted: “There’s a fear going into any meet, regardless of Olympics. We put in so many hours. We train 50 weeks a year for one moment, which lasts eight minutes in my case.

“It’s ridiculous when you say it like that. The thing is, it can go right and it can go average. You never know, and that’s what is terrifying and scary. I don’t want to come out crying. I don’t want to be upset, yet at the same time I can’t control the other girls.

“If they are faster and better than me, I’m so glad I can look back and say, ‘I have no regrets’. If I swim well and finish fourth, I’ll be pleased.”

After Beijing, Adlington’s life turned upside down and she admits her swimming dipped as she adapted to her new high-profile status.

Television appearances, awards and even the chance to rub shoulders with royalty followed in 2008.

Adlington has yet to meet Prince William, his wife Kate or Prince Harry. Maybe this year.

“I’d love to meet Kate,” confided Adlington. “She seems so lovely and down to earth, and such a nice person. And she is always happy. I always see them laughing away together. She genuinely seems to get on with everyone.

“I have met the Queen, Prince Philip, Princess Anne – I was on the flight back from Beijing with her and she’s just amazing.”

While Adlington does not rule out a third Olympics, her more immediate plans this year involve a charity bike ride in Zambia during a three-month break from swimming.

At the moment, cycling is on a long list of banned activities. “I won’t do anything adventurous,” she added. “I don’t cycle. I’m scared of having an accident.

“I don’t do anything I could get hurt doing. I don’t go out. I don’t party. I’m just totally chilled. I haven’t had a big day out in a year.” That big day out could be just round the corner.

• Rebecca Adlington is a British Gas ambassador. British Gas is getting the nation to show its support for the British Swimming Teams and is giving away free swims. Simply visit

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