Stomach bloating: Five foods to eat to reduce a bloated tummy and excess gas

STOMACH bloating is often caused by the body’s reaction to certain foods in a person’s diet. But when you want to reduce a bloated tummy some wiser food choices may be the answer.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor Oz explains top causes of stomach bloating

Stomach bloating is commonly caused by excess wind in the abdomen which is promoted by certain foods people eat.

Foods known for their bloat-inducing qualities include beans, onions and broccoli.

So how can you reduce a bloated tummy? Surprisingly, some health experts recommend food - Dr Mehmet Oz lists five to eat on his self-titled website.

On the US TV health expert’s site, it says: “We all will experience bloating from time to time.

Stomach bloating is commonly caused by excess wind in the abdomen which is promoted by certain foods people eat

“Often cased by natural processes during digestion, bloating is typically triggered by the accumulation of fluid or production of gas in the body.

“However, bloating is not always caused by too much gas, but rather how the body handles that gas.”

The five “bloat-blocking” foods recommended you eat are rice, banana, yoghurt, cucumber and papaya.


Some foods, especially certain carbohydrates, are only partially digested in the gut, and this can cause gas buildup.

But rice is fully digested in the small intestines, reducing the chance of gas build-up.

Stomach bloating: Five foods to eat to reduce a bloated tummy and excess gas

Stomach bloating: Five foods could help reduce a bloated tummy (Image: GETTY)


Foods with high sodium intake can all be a cause of bloating. Sodium attracts and retains water in the body.

So to counteract high levels of sodium in the body, the Dr Oz site recommends eating potassium. Banana is rich in this mineral.


Yoghurt has long been known for helping balance out gut bacteria. The site recommends choosing one with active cultures, as these increase the ‘good bacteria’ in the digestive tract.


Cucumber is a natural diuretic with its high water and low fibre content, meaning they increase urination and help achieve a flatter stomach.

Stomach bloating: Five foods to eat to reduce a bloated tummy and excess gas

Stomach bloating: Papaya contains a laxative quality and helps with the movement of the bowels (Image: GETTY)

Stomach bloating: Five foods to eat to reduce a bloated tummy and excess gas

Stomach bloating: Rice has a low chance of gas build-up in the gut (Image: GETTY)


Studies in the past have shawn raw papaya contains a white substance called papain, which when ripe has a laxative quality and helps in the movement of the bowels.

Alongside beans, onions and broccoli, there are a number of other foods that promote excess gas and bloating.

Rennie, the indigestion expert, recommends cutting down your intake of seven foods

It says: “Eating regular meals means your digestive system can get int a routine, allowing digestion to flow are smoothly.

“Certain foods create more gas in the digestive tract than others, like the infamously gassy baked beans.

“Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, turnips, and leeks are also well known to be ‘gassy’.

“High fat foods and eggs are also notorious for producing bad smelling gas.”

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