How to get rid of cramp in your foot: Three foods that offer fast relief

HOW TO get rid of cramp in your foot is what many people wish they knew the answer to when one happens. They are very common and usually harmless, lasting no more than a few minutes. One way to get one to go away is not do anything, but if you are looking for some fast replied, there are three foods you can try eating for fast relief.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Man suffers horrific leg cramp after working out

Foot cramps, also referred to as just leg cramps, happen when muscle suddenly shortens and becomes tight. This can be painful and make it hard for you to move, but in most cases a spam will not last longer than 10 minutes.

The causes of leg cramps can range from exercise and putting too much strain on muscles to not drinking enough fluid.

Liver disease, ageing, medication for lowering cholesterol or high blood pressure and pregnancy are also possible causes.

Most cramps will go away without you doing anything, according to the NHS, but if you would prefer to do something to get fast relief, New York City podiatrist, Johanna Youner, recommends three foods you can try eating.

The first is apple cider vinegar, the second pickle juice, and the third is mustard.

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How to get rid of cramp in your foot: There are three foods that offer fast relief

The causes of leg cramps can range from exercise and putting too much strain on muscles to not drinking enough fluid

Speaking to Bottom Line Inc, she explained: “These foods contain vinegar, which consists of acetic acid. This acid helps the body make acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that helps our muscles work. The more acetylcholine you have, the better your muscles function.

“Try dissolving two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in honey, or consume about three teaspoons of pickle juice or mustard (any type).

“These vinegar remedies work so well that athletes are known to pick up mustard packets from fast-food restaurants in order to get fast relief from foot cramps.”

The NHS states stretching and massaging the muscle can help to ease the pain. But it advises against paracetamol or ibuprofen.

It says: “Paracetamol or ibuprofen won’t help when cramp is happening astray take too long to work. They can help to ease muscle tenderness afterwards.”

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How to get rid of cramp in your foot: Try drinking apple cider vinegar

Regular calf-stretching exercises may not completely prevent cramps, but they may help to reduce them.

But if you find leg cramps are disturbing your sleep and you also have numbness or swelling in your legs, you should see your GP.

Ask for an urgent appointment if you have cramps and they last longer than 10 minutes, and there is a chance you might have got a tetanus infection from a wound.

Your GP will examine you to find out the reason for your cramps, and may suggest treatment in the form of stretching exercises or quinine tablets, depending on the cause.

Another frequently asked ‘how to get rid of’ question is ‘how to get rid of a cold’.

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How to get rid of cramp in your foot: Pickle juice and mustard (not together) may also help

Symptoms of the common cold include a sore throat, runny nose, persistent cough and fatigue. Although a cold will usually clear up by itself, these remedies can help you get better more quickly.

Get more sleep

The most important thing to do when you're fighting a cold is to get extra rest. But crucially, that doesn’t just mean lying on the couch watching Netflix.

Sleep strengthens the immune system, so go to bed early and, if you can, sleep alone. It's also wise to take naps during the day.

Sleep with an extra pillow under your head

Let gravity do the work to ease sinus pressure by making sure your head is higher than your body when you rest.

Web MD says elevating your head will help treat congested nasal passages and help you breathe more easily.

There are six other methods you can try to try get rid of a cold

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