How to get to sleep in a heatwave: Keep this by your bed to help lower your temperature

HOW TO get to sleep: one of the biggest causes of a sleepless night is heat. In the summer months, heatwaves can leave you feeling exhausted and restless. So what can you do to help lower your temperature and get the forty-winks you need?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Sleep is important when it comes to your body functioning properly. Lack of sleep can have a detrimental affect on your mood and result in lack of focus.

If poor sleep becomes a recurring thing, you can be at risk of serious medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes, according to the NHS.

While it’s recommended adults, on average, get seven to night hours a night, when Britain’s temperatures soar it results in thousands of people feeling exhausted, restless and struggling to get a good night’s sleep.

While most homeowners are prepared with blackout blinds to combat light entering a room in the battle for summertime sleep, it’s actually unusually high temperatures that Brits are most unequipped for.

So what can you do to get a decent night’s rest in the heat? Helen Johnson from The Fine Bedding Company has offered her top tips - the first being, to keep a certain drink by your bed at night.

Sleep is important when it comes to your body function properly. Lack of sleep can have a detrimental affect on your mood and result in lack of focus

An obvious solution for some, having water by the bed is advice offered by a number of sleep experts.

Helen explains that this is recommended because drinking cold water is a way to not only immediately cool the body down but that being hydrated will help to lower a body’s temperature.

Other tips Helen has involve what tog duvet to use and whether or not to wear pyjamas.

Tog Down

Helen said: “It’s essential to introduce a low Tog duvet in warm weather and use fabrics or products that have been designed specifically to allow bodies to naturally breathe. We recommend a 4.5 Tog for warm weather, or a 7 Tog. These can be bought as individual duvets or, another cost-efficient option is to invest in a four-season duvet that combines a 4 and 9 Tog duvet that links together or can each be used individually.”

PJs or not?

Sleeping in tight clothing is not only uncomfortable it will lead to heat retention, according to Helen.

She added: “Try sleeping in lightweight, loose cotton pyjamas that are breathable. Even if it’s hot – if you’re used to sleeping in night wear, rather than not, then stick to what you’re used to and comfortable with – just choosing the right fabrics and loose clothing.”

How to get to sleep in a heatwave: Keep this by your bed to help lower your temperature

How to get to sleep in a heatwave: Keep this by your bed to help lower your temperature (Image: GETTY)

How to get to sleep in a heatwave: Keep this by your bed to help lower your temperature

How to get to sleep in a heatwave: Try choosing a lower tog duvet (Image: GETTY)

Room temperature

According to most experts, the optimum room temperature for sleeping is between 16C and 18C.

Helen said: “Having a thermometer in a bedroom is a good idea to track whether rooms are too hot.

“Some simple changes to how consumers manage their bedrooms in the day can make a big difference. Advice is to try to not let rooms overheat in the first place. Closing blinds or curtains during the day can help to prevent sunlight or warmth through windows entering a bedroom. It’s then a good idea to open windows as soon as the evening temperatures drop.

“Adding an air conditioning unit or using an ‘ice fan’ to circulate cool air is a great idea, but not everyone has room to store these items to only bring them out for a few weeks of the year. Similarly the noise generated by electrical coolers means it’s not an option for use throughout the night.”

How to get to sleep in a heatwave: Keep this by your bed to help lower your temperature

How to get to sleep in a heatwave: Drinking water can help lower your tempertaure (Image: GETTY)

Don’t be hot headed

Pillows are often overlooked as a means to enjoy a cooler night’s sleep, but the head allows a lot of heat to leave the body, said Helen.

“Choosing a breathable pillow – such as a naturally breathable goose down filled pillow or a fibre filled pillow specifically designed to increase airflow through it – can help to allow heat to leave the body.

“Some pillows also have added technical materials built in to offer a cooling effect; our product is the Cool Touch pillow. This contains ProCool® intelligent cooling fibres and works by using thermodynamics to regulate temperature; excess heat is absorbed into a ‘core’ and is only allowed to be slowly released again as the night cools and once body temperature is at an optimum level.”

Keep comfortable

While many people assume that sleeping under a sheet is the only way to keep cool enough in really hot rooms, this can actually be more disruptive to sleep because it doesn’t offer the feeling or comfort of a duvet.

Helen advised: “Duvets using advanced fibres have been designed to be ultra lightweight and to allow air to flow through the fibres; these fillings have added benefits for delivering climate control than the humble sheet.”

You could also try doing this before bed to get a peaceful night's slumber. 

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