Outraged pagans compare Stonehenge summer solstice parking policy to ‘DISNEYLAND’

A GROUP of pagans have revealed their frustration and disappointment over a new parking policy at Stonehenge.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Stonehenge ITV

King Arthur and his pagan followers were outraged by the introduction of a £15 parking fee

King Arthur Pendragon, who’s been labelled ‘Britain’s top druid’, appeared on ITV’s Parking Wars to tell his side of the story over a new £15 parking charge at Stonehenge during the summer solstice celebrations. 

On a regular day, the permanent car park is just £5, a fee which is refunded when visitors pay an “on-the-day” entrance fee of £18.20. 

But King Arthur and his followers, who use Stonehenge as a place of worship, likened the new policy with something in place at Disneyland. 

He said: “We do a lot of healing up here. This is a very sacred spot for us.


The group staged a number of protests against the new policy

“You don’t have to pay to go to church. It’s our henge, it’s our pagan henge.” 

King Arthur and his group of fellow pagans declared war on English Heritage who enforced the new policy. 

In one demonstration the group blocked a road so visitors were unable to access the site via bus with ease. 

The group kept crossing the road one after the other, forcing visitors to get off the transfer buses from the visitor centre to the site to walk two miles. 


King Arthur tried to block off one of the roads on the day of the summer solstice celebrations

Their slogan was “no pay to pray”, but visitors found their protesting difficult to understand. 

One visitor said: “£15 doesn’t sound a great deal.” 

Another added: “It’s sad for people who came on the trip and can’t get down to Stonehenge now.”

The groups’ next protest was on the day of the summer solstice celebrations. 

Stonehenge ITV

The group's slogan was

But their attempt to block the roads going into the site, and to get other to refuse to pay the £15 fee, failed.

English Heritage has stressed it is a charity and that fees are used to preserve and maintain the Stonehenge site. 

This comes after Britain’s worst road marking were revealed. 

The most recent gaffe was spotted in New Malden, Surrey, by bemused residents. 

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