Pitting yourself against olive etiquette? Here is the CORRECT way to eat olives with pits

IS THERE a polite way of eating pitted olives without spitting the remains into your hand?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


What's the most polite way to eat olives with pits?

While olive connoisseurs reckon olives with a pit inside are tastier than those without, eating them can prove particularly difficult - especially in front of a crowd. 

Most people simply pick the pit out from between their teeth or spit it into their hand, which doesn’t seem too polite. 

But is this the only way to dispose of it? Or is their a much more glamorous way?

This comes after McDonald’s revealed it would be rolling out THIS premium service thanks to overwhelming demand. 


There are two scenarios people find themselves in when eating olives

Website Olive Central reveals how one should dispose of the pit correctly when eating olives. 

Olive Central says there are two scenarios you’ll find yourselves with olives - the first is when they’re served as snacks. 

The site adds: “To pick them up, use a toothpick if they have been made available, otherwise fingers is fine. Small olives of into your mouth whole, while big olives can be held not he ends with your thumb and forefinger and the flesh bitten off the olive. 

“If biting the flesh off the olive, the pit remaining between the two fingers can simply be discarded. When eating the olive whole the pit can be gently spat into your palm or the end of your upright fist. 

“For a slightly more sophisticated version, hold you other handing front of your mouth to hid this spitting activity from view.” 

And where should you discard of the pit?


Table etiquette applies when it comes to olives in salads

If a bowl has been provided for the pits, they can be put in there, but if not, the side of your own plate is deemed acceptable. 

Alternatively they can be stored in a paper napkin for later disposal. 

The second scenario is when olives form part of a salad. 

In this scenario, according to Olive Central, table etiquette applies. 

This means the olive should be put in your mouth using a fork. 


Spitting the pit into your hand is acceptable

The site says: “The easiest way to pick it up is to hold the olive down with your knife and then stab it with your fork. Place the olive in your mouth. 

“Tables etiquette suggests that anything thatches out of your mouth should do so the same way it went in. In this case the fork should be used to discard the pit. 

“Place one hand in front of your mouth to hide this activity and gently push the pit onto the fork using your tongue.”

But if this forms too much of a challenge for you, you can revert to spitting the pit onto your hand and discarding it. 

Again, the other hand should be places in front of your mouth for that added level of sophistication. 

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