Glastonbury weather: Stay ahead of 'Tropical Storm Bill' and rain with these awesome apps

GLASTONBURY 2015 is just around the corner and promises to be one of the highlights of the great British summer. has rounded up THREE of the best smartphone apps to keep you up-to-date with the unpredictable British weather.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice has rounded up THREE apps to help you avoid Glastonbury's infamous mud puddlesGETTY has rounded up THREE apps to help you avoid Glastonbury's infamous mud puddles

Glastonbury is days away.

On Thursday, more than 175,000 festival-goers will descend on Somerset to see hundreds of bands play across the eight-and-a-half mile greenfield site.

But with meteorologists undecided about the forecast, has compiled three of the best mobile apps to help you dodge the festival's infamous rain and mudslides.

Weather Channel

You might already be using the Weather Channel – and not know it.

The Weather Channel provides all of the the forecast information used in the notifications dropdown in Apple's iPhone and iPads.

However – the US firm's standalone app provides HEAPS more data.

The Weather Chanel – available on all mobile platforms – packs in heaps of meteorological dataGOOGLE PLAY STORE

The Weather Chanel – available on all mobile platforms – packs in heaps of meteorological data

The smartphone and tablet app is available for free on iOS, Android and Windows Phone and provides users with hyper-localised, hourly weather forecasts.

The Weather Channel provides almost too much information to sift through

It also boasts statistics including humidity, pollen, sunrise, sunset, wind speed, UV index, visibility and barometric pressure.

Live maps show road or satellite views with water temperature, wind speeds, snow cover, and more.

That's almost too much information to sift through.

Luckily, the Weather Channel app also provides a quick "feels like" reading which strips away the numbers and readings and tells you what temperature to expect outside.

Dark Sky

This hugely popular iPhone app was recently updated with a novel use of Apple's new wearable, the Apple Watch.

Dark Sky specialises in short-term and hyperlocal weather predictions – for example, heavy rain beginning in 15 minutes – will now notify you about ongoing showers with a subtle tap on the wrist.

Apple claims the Taptic Feedback engine built into the Watch feels more like a gentle tap than a buzzing notification.

Dark Sky will gently tap you on the wrist minutes before its due to start raining DARK SKY • IG

Dark Sky will gently tap you on the wrist minutes before its due to start raining

Dark Sky has implemented the technology to quietly let you know when its time to seek shelter.

Dark Sky brings forecast timeline to your wristDark Sky brings forecast timeline to your wrist [DARK SKY • IG]

Creator Adam Grossman explained the new feature in a company blog post: "The times I care most about getting rained on—when I’m outside my home—are the very times I’m least likely to want to pull a phone out of my pocket.

"A gentle tap on your wrist, and a quick glance; the effortlessness of it makes it feel qualitatively different than receiving a notification on your phone. It’s both far less intrusive and far less likely to be missed."

Dark Sky recently updated its iPhone app to crowd-source barometer data from iPhone 6 owners.

"The iPhone 6 comes with a built-in barometer, primarily used for determining altitude," the firm wrote.

"But there also exists the potential to revolutionise weather forecasting. If you opt-in, your phone will periodically submit pressure readings which will provide us with extremely useful meteorological data.

"We’ll hopefully have lots more to say about this in the coming months."

Weather Kitty

Putting the C, A, T, S in forecast.

Granted, this app might not feature the same data-filled maps and charts as the other two entries in this article – but its the most likely to put a smile on your face (even if it is raining cats and dogs while you're queuing to see Kanye).

Weather Kitty does exactly what it says on the tin.

Weather Kitty packs some impressive meteorological data – and some hilarious cat photosGOOGLE PLAY STORE

Weather Kitty packs some impressive meteorological data – and some hilarious cat photos

It presents users with the current temperature in their location, the highs and lows for the day – and a picture of a cat.

Weather Kitty does have a few more statistics hidden in its menus – including a ten-day forecast and UV and humidity level – as well as the option to pick a kitten-themed background.

The app also has exclusive pictures of internet sensation Grumpy Cat and Lil' Bub, too.

If this is a little too soft-and-cuddly for your liking – why not check out Effing Weather?

Its a simple iPhone weather app which tells you the days' forecast in one punchy, explicative-filled sentence.

The Effing Weather is an iPhone app which tells you the weather – complete with a heap of F-bombsIG

The Effing Weather is an iPhone app which tells you the weather – complete with a heap of F-bombs

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