We SHALL remember them: Queen defies terrorist threats to remember the fallen

DEFYING threats of a terrorist attack, the Queen led tributes yesterday to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defending their country.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen, wearing four poppies, with the Duke of Edinburgh JONATHAN BUCKMASTER

The Queen, wearing four poppies, with the Duke of Edinburgh

Surrounded by a ring of steel, softened by ever-present poppies, she was joined by senior members of the Royal Family, political leaders and veterans.

“This is what puts the Great in Great Britain,” said one Second World War veteran after the 88-year-old Queen, wearing four poppies on her left shoulder, laid her wreath at the Cenotaph in ­Whitehall.

She was followed by the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and the Duke of Kent.

The Duchess of Cambridge, who is 15 weeks pregnant with her second child, stood alongside the Duchess of Cornwall and the Countess of Wessex, looking down on the scene from a balcony at the Foreign Office.

The ceremony was mirrored at events around the country as much of Britain came to a stop at 11am. Those paying their respects included politicians David Cameron, Labour leader Ed Miliband and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg.

Police snipers and the security forces kept close watch and armed police patrolled streets after the arrest last week of four men suspected of plotting an Islamist attack on the commemorations.

It was a ceremony replete with symbolism as Britain marked three major landmarks.

It’s the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, 70 years since the D-Day landings, and the end of UK military operations in Afghanistan last month after a 13-year conflict that cost 453 British lives.

In another significant step in the peace process closer to home, the Irish ambassador, Daniel Mulhall, laid a wreath for the first time since the creation of the Irish Republic in 1949.

This is what puts the Great in Great Britain

WWII veteran

After the royal party departed, some 10,000 veterans from conflicts dating back to the Second World War marched proudly down Whitehall led by the Normandy Veterans’ Association, to the applause of the crowd.

Despite the threat of attacks old soldiers refused to be cowed at Remembrance Sunday services across the country.

Veterans had been warned not to wear their caps and medals by the Royal British Legion for fear they might become a target of extremists. But they ignored the advice.

Proudly wearing his medals and regimental cap, Roy Vickerman, 88, stood by the Cenotaph to lay a wreath on behalf of the Royal British Legion of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs.

He said: “This is what puts the Great in Great Britain. I’m here despite the risk of a terrorist attack here, like the recent one in Canada when that soldier was killed or the Remembrance Day Bombing in Ireland in the 1980s.

“We’re here to fight back and show they cannot scare us.”

Queen leads Britain in tribute to World War I dead

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